05704-A-0121 Electromechanical actuators require intelligent integrated driver solutions to enhance edge intelligence

2024-03-05 | no responses

05704-A-0121 introduction In the process of seeking to enhance edge intelligence, physical edge devices such as electromechanical actuators require more intelligence in order to gain advantages such as better real-time machine decision-making. These actuators provide intelligent, valuable, and rich sensor based feedback. This type of edge device is crucial for Industry 4.0 and higher stages….

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05701-A-0511 Integrating ideal diodes, source selectors, and eFuses helps enhance system robustness

2024-03-05 | no responses

brief introduction Ideal diodes use low on resistance power switches (usually MOSFETs) to simulate the unidirectional current behavior of a diode, but without the voltage drop loss of the diode. With the help of additional back-to-back MOSFETs and control circuits, this solution can provide more system control functions, such as priority source selection, current limiting,…

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05701-A-0361 Nvidia continues to hit new highs despite some setbacks, with AMD dropping nearly 6% at one point

2024-03-05 | no responses

This week’s financial reporting season is gradually reaching its climax. From Tuesday to Friday, several industry leaders will release quarterly reports, including Procter&Gamble and Johnson&Johnson’s financial reports before Tuesday’s trading, Netflix’s financial reports after that day’s trading, AT&T’s financial reports before Wednesday’s trading, Tesla and IBM’s financial reports after that day’s trading, Blackstone’s financial reports…

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05701-A-0325 LTspice test circuit using W ü rth REDEXPRESS data

2024-03-05 | no responses

The output ripple voltage of the step-down converter is a function of the capacitance impedance and inductance current. To achieve better simulation accuracy, W ü rth REDEXPRESS can be used to select a 4.7 µ F output capacitor (885012208040) and extract ESR and ESL that vary with frequency. ESL and ESR are sometimes loaded into…

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D201376 CES 2024:对我所见所闻所学的反思

2024-02-22 | no responses

2024年的消费电子展几周前结束了,我一直在花时间反思我在展会上的所见所闻。不出所料,CES展示了消费者领域和工业应用领域的有趣技术和创新产品。展厅展示了几个关键趋势,展示了人工智能和机器学习(AI/ML)、数字化、扩展现实(XR)等技术令人兴奋的进步和潜在应用。 先进技术及其创造性应用的展示对工程师和技术专家来说是鼓舞人心的,在展厅中有很多值得一看的东西! CES 2024展示了有趣的技术和创意解决方案 在以消费者为中心的软件和电子产品贸易展上,展厅里充斥着人们所期望的所有技术。AI/ML、XR等占据了商场中的大部分营销和促销材料。坦率地说,这并不令人惊讶。这些技术在消费和工业领域非常突出,这种兴趣必然会吸引希望利用这种吸引力的公司。 除了AI/ML和XR产品和技术之外,展会还提供了更多内容。展出了几种不同应用的自动驾驶汽车,从熟悉的自动驾驶汽车到自动驾驶拖拉机和多功能车。令人兴奋的新型电动汽车(EV)和EV概念也在展会上宣布,展示了汽车和交通行业更近一步的未来。最后,我看到了几十种令人惊叹的日常电子产品,包括智能家电、个人设备和透明电视。 CES展出了许多令人兴奋的新技术,包括为多种应用设计的自动驾驶汽车。 在我看来,更令人惊讶和有趣的观察是展会上展示的行业多样性,以及在未来计划中认真对待先进软件、电子和数字化的行业多样性。家用电器、汽车、医疗设备、食品生产、重型设备等都在展厅展出。

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